
Saturday 25 January 2014

How old?

Dies: Parker Alphabet (Memory Box)
Font: Aharoni
OK, so your son gets invited to a party.  You don't really know the child very well.  Your son is less than forthcoming about his interests.  As for present ideas?  Hopeless.  So what on earth can you put on a card to make it personal?

And then you see this week's Muse inspiration, & everything suddenly falls into place!  (With a little Tagxedo help on the way).  A few scraps of coloured card & a bit of glossy accents, you're away.

And then you can't stop at just a card... (Well, actually, you find a use for the piece of card that went through the printer at the wrong angle & you were originally going to throw away).

Die: By the Numbers (MFT)
I think I'll make a stash of these to keep on stand-by.  But not all with Ewan's name.  Obviously.  We don't know that many Ewans.

Linking to:
Muse: Muse Challenge #51


  1. Very COOL colorful card! Thanks for playing along with us over at the Muse Card Club!!!

  2. LOVE this - what a great take on the Muse with the texty background and brightly coloured letters - perfect card for your 'situation' (or for anyone, really!) Thanks for joining us!

  3. Wowzer! Fabulous card & tag!

  4. What a great idea when you don't know someone's interests! Great use of colour too :)

  5. love the colorful background! tfs
